Selasa, 14 Januari 2014

Smartphone Most Vulnerable to Virus Attacks

Various security vendors try to predict trends in cyber security in 2013 . Well, for Eset , there are 4 things to watch out for is malware on smartphones , Botnets , cloud computing security , and information leakage .

Eset predict there will be a significant increase in mobile malware and its variants , the spread of malware via the Internet will also increase .

Meanwhile back botnets will rise , and the attack will lead to cloud computing will lead to leakage of information on cloud computing .

Significant improvement occurred in mobile malware during the year 2012 , so it is considered as the most ' sexy ' to be attacked . Which monitored many malicious programs that are developed specifically to attack the Android market that we know very soaring .

The rebound also trigger the emergence of malware that make such devices as the target .

Juniper Research says an independent research institute , in 2013 is estimated to access banking services conducted of smartphone devices will reach about 530 million users .

Survey: Electric Cars Not Attractive in Indonesia

Although the electric -powered vehicle is regarded as future vehicles , most of the riders were still not interested in buying an electric car . Only a small portion motorists are interested in buying it .

It was revealed in a survey performed by the Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs in 21 major cities in the United States .

The survey involved 2,300 adults in the fall of last year . And even though the survey was conducted last year , the researchers considered the results of these studies are still relevant to the present because not much has changed in the electric car industry this year .

Currently the three most popular in the world of electric cars , the Nissan LEAF and the Chevrolet Volt and Mitsubishi i - MiEV still have no significant sales . Both brands were also known to have revised their targets because the sales are not as expected .

NASA Satellites Capture Hurricane "Malignant" Saturn

CALIFORNIA - United States Space Agency ( NASA ) recently capturing photographs of Saturn storm system . NASA satellite Cassini caught sight of the planet Saturn from a distance of 441,028 miles ( 709,766 kilometers ) .

Reported Nbcnews , Friday ( 28/12/2012 ) , Saturn's storms ripple featuring black and white photos were captured by NASA's Cassini satellite orbit . Satellites capture the photo on December 24, 2012 .

Distance of 709 766 kilometers , a distance almost doubled between the Earth and the Moon . These black and white photographs captured with wide-angle camera red filter CB2 .

How to Make Fresh Water From Seawater

There is no doubt , that the most healthful beverage is water , fresh water . But in some situations , you may not have many options , such as when your only option is to drink sea water , never fear : there is a rather easy way to turn it into fresh water !

Here 's how it's done :

 What you need
2 containers
Bandana , tape or glue

Early Treatment of Lung Inflammation

CONDITIONS changeable weather can make us contracting the disease easily . One of them , cold . Rough handling can lead to the development of other diseases , namely pneumonia .

Colds , fever , and cough can be a starting gate the development of other diseases . If not handled properly , can make your health worse.

How to Make Pure Salt From Sea Water

Indonesia as a maritime nation , clearly have very much natural wealth . However , all marine resources in Indonesia , not maximal and optimal management . A very simple example is the natural wealth of the sea water itself.
Although Indonesia is Indonesia is a maritime country , but still there are people who get mumps , the disease occurs due to lack of yodium.walaupun not much . Iodine itself is usually found in salt content .
Therefore , in this occasion we will discuss in a simple purely to make salt from sea water .

To make salt from sea water , does not require modern equipment . In fact , if there is no equipment memadaipun , we can make on the sea shore sendiri.langkah - step in making salt from sea water is :

1 . If you do not have land or a place to make and want to make it on the beach , then the first thing to do is to clean up the beach that will be used to make salt from the bins , let's say there is trash around the beach area .

2 . If we have a place or land to be used to make the necessary salt is first prepared to make cans filled with sand and blame one corner we give an opening to the sea is through a refining stage .

3 . After all the media is ready , then the step is inserting beriktnya seawater slowly into a vat containing sea sand . Then , desalination of sea sand vat collected into a bucket .

4 . The next step is to pour the water into the distillation shaped box but the length , but the length of the box can be adjusted with our wishes , our distilled water and then pour it into the box with a depth of 1 segment telunjuk.hal serve water to dry quickly when it dries .

5 . Then after the water is poured , then the last stage of drying under the hot rays matahari.Dalam drying process , the water will evaporate and low water levels due to evaporate , leaving room grains - grains of pure salt ready for harvest .

6 . The latter is to collect grain - grain of salt , to be further processed for use in accordance with our needs .

Thus a brief overview of the process of making a simple salt . Easy - hopefully pleasing and useful .

Nutrition in Catfish

Catfish or keli or catfish fishing , is a type of fish that live in fresh water . Catfish are easily recognizable because of his smooth , slightly flattened elongated , and has a " mustache " long , sticking out from around the mouth .
Lele , scientific , comprised of many species . Not surprisingly, when the catfish in the archipelago also has many local names . Among other things : fish prop ( West Sumatra ) , fish death ( Gayo and Acehnese ) , fish sibakut ( Karo ) , fish pintet ( South Kalimantan ) , wrasses ( Makassar ) , fish CEPI ( South Sulawesi ) , catfish or leachate ( Java middle ) or fish keli ( Malaysia ) .

In other countries known as Mali ( Africa ) ,ナマズ( Japan ) and鲇 形 目( China ) . In English called also catfish , siluroid , Mudfish and walking catfish . Scientific name , Clarias , chlaros derived from the Greek , meaning ' lively ' , ' strong ' , refers to the ability to survive and move beyond the water .

When Got Diare

Symptoms are diarrhea or diarrhea with watery stool frequency 4x or more a day , which is sometimes accompanied by :
Board lethargic or weak
No appetite
Blood and mucus in stools
Nausea and vomiting may precede diarrhea caused by viral infections . Infection can suddenly cause diarrhea , vomiting , bloody stools , fever , decreased appetite or lethargy .
Also, it can also experience abdominal pain and stomach cramps , and other symptoms such gejal - flu for example a slight fever , muscle pain or spasms , and headaches . Disruption of bacteria and parasites occasionally cause stool contains blood or high fever .

Quality Impressions of Indonesia TV

                          Can not deny that the quality of TV shows and movies in widescreen Indonesia is getting worse and not educate . This is because the station - Bolo tv or home - home production movies that simply chase ratings or popularity level impressions are not concerned with the weight of the broadcast program . We just take the example of a soap opera , soap opera now has become a public spectacle with improvised stories and educate not at all . Most soap has a story that makes no sense , such as the poor or the rich marry the person who has the power not clear , this is not educational. Klo ancient soap opera when I was a kid there just after 8 o'clock . This is because after the sunset call to prayer shows impressions that will appear only news , despite it boring but very educational and can be seen at any age .

Adventure Chasing Dreams Never Ended

My name is Dwi Purnomo , my friend used to call Dwi . I was born on March 20, 1991 , when the count is now at my age already 22 years old , age is not really fit anymore to play - play . But there are actually unique of deed birth . I have two certificates with different names , date , and place of birth are different . But as time goes by only one deed are in use , because it has 2 certificates is prohibited .
            I live in a modest family , with the father and mother are still incomplete and a sister . Actually I have an older brother - young , but he has died at the age of 9 years . After the mother took me to a village in the district of Kediri precisely , in order for the departure of my brother's mother mengikhlaskan biased , but my father did not participate because of his work in Jakarta . When I was in elementary school I had to move - to move in the first Semper SDN 07 and SDN Ngasinan moved in and the last SDN Marinating 2 , and we settled in Calcutta until now . Then I went to junior high 16 Bekasi , when smp nothing too special so I just download an ordinary boy who bit nosy and somewhat lazy .
            When I started learning smp riding a motorcycle , but I'm good at it fast motor vespa motorcycle that uses a coupling of the motorcycle . Finally the time came to an end with the regular smp . Then I went to SMAN 2 Bekasi . When I walked into class 1 Rohis extracurricular , curricular Rohis here is quite different than I thought. In this extracurricular besides the Koran and Tausyiah , but also another example of the unique field is taught how to play skateboard . After sma finished I went to college but did not immediately leave for a year , well actually this is not acceptable because the university - a state university .