Selasa, 14 Januari 2014

Smartphone Most Vulnerable to Virus Attacks

Various security vendors try to predict trends in cyber security in 2013 . Well, for Eset , there are 4 things to watch out for is malware on smartphones , Botnets , cloud computing security , and information leakage .

Eset predict there will be a significant increase in mobile malware and its variants , the spread of malware via the Internet will also increase .

Meanwhile back botnets will rise , and the attack will lead to cloud computing will lead to leakage of information on cloud computing .

Significant improvement occurred in mobile malware during the year 2012 , so it is considered as the most ' sexy ' to be attacked . Which monitored many malicious programs that are developed specifically to attack the Android market that we know very soaring .

The rebound also trigger the emergence of malware that make such devices as the target .

Juniper Research says an independent research institute , in 2013 is estimated to access banking services conducted of smartphone devices will reach about 530 million users .

This figure increased by almost 50 % from the year 2011 reached 300 million users who access banking services on smartphones .

In this context, the rapid growth of both services drive growth technology malicious programs on Android during the period in 2012 .

This condition will persist even expected to rise in 2013 alongside the increasing complexity will also increase with expanding the Android market and other services compatibility and ease of access from a smartphone .

While the relationship with the number of variants and families of malware targeting Android - yaitumalicious codes which have different variants -
the increase is not significant only 52 in 2011 and increased to 56 in 2012 .

Referring to the increase in Android malware then , the crimes committed by the malware will also continue , namely: information theft ( spyware ) , distribution of SMS messages to premium numbers cost , and change the device and the system became zombies ( botnet recruitment) .

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